
aging, Art, bravery, confidence, contentment, courage, creativity, doubt, Faith, family, grace, hope, memoir, mercy, painting, patience, Peace, Prayer, Redemption, rest, Stillness, Trust, Vulnerability, wisdom, wonder, writing

I sat in the back next to someone I don’t really know. We shared a casual conversation about pimento cheese spread. Surrounded by art, the meeting’s agenda would be sharing a YouTube film on “beauty”.

We were offered pencils and a piece of paper to jot down thoughts, told to prepare to share in a group discussion.

The poet/researcher in the video mentioned God’s creation, spoke of God’s intent for not only artists, but everyone, to recognize the power of beauty as a way to change us internally and then effect those around us.

The couple just in front of me looked towards one another often in a likemindedness that matched the word “bullshit” he wrote and held up in front of her (and me).

They exited early.

I listened as others gave feedback, sprinkled around the room were comments about architecture, about culture, about our community, about horses.

I thought to add to conversation, to suggest they all begin to notice color and to, if they felt led, to ask God in prayer to help them see color.

I planned to share how this practice and prayer has been a reset for me, spiritually and creatively.

No one had mentioned God.

Three times, maybe four, I raised my hand to be called on.

I wasn’t acknowledged and decided to stay silent.

That it was not a time to speak.

“ a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;”
‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3‬:‭7‬ ‭ESV‬‬

To keep the peace I’d acquired and allow it to be a presence without words.

To possibly be peace to others without using my words.

Did I but live nearer to God, I could be of so much more help.” George Hodges

This morning, a guest blog post on an author’s site has been shared. My words, added to her community of others writing about “beholding our beauty” in the places life places us. I was just so grateful to write inspired by Esther, her bravery and how bravery is a choice we can make every day, even if with uncertainty.

I encourage you to read not only my thoughts, but to engage in this community that Deborah Rutherford is so intentionally building.

My essay is here:

Behold Her Beauty

I woke thinking about the missed opportunity to share the way I’m encountering beauty in the colors of nature.

Today, I’ll add color to canvas and I’ll build on works in progress.

I’ll keep progressing, a pursuit of and with peace.

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