Gentle With Yourself

Art, bravery, contentment, Easter, Faith, grace, Peace, Prayer, Vulnerability, writing
Waiting and Wonder

The azalea bush up against the red cedar fence is still “spectacular”, the word I used with my Master Gardener cousin last week to describe the awe of the bloom.

The below thirty degrees last night didn’t harm it.

The tender white luminescent flowers are lively in the morning sun. Easily, they could have folded their petals over themselves

Hoping to survive, safe and warm, undamaged by the circumstances of the weather.

“Be gentle with yourself.”

I said this to more people than I can remember when I hosted a survivor group for those who were bereaved because of suicide.

I meant what I said although I couldn’t truly understand the challenges they faced. It was what felt honest, my hope for them in their sorrow.

Don’t push too hard, don’t pull away, don’t hide, don’t run.

Stay and in your staying be true to your feelings.

Be gentle with yourself.

Rarely have I said this to myself.

Yesterday, I gauged my progress as an artist and author comparing myself according to virtual images and announcements of others’ success.

Jealousy named itself.

And I paused to learn from it.

God, help me to understand the harm of jealousy, not to others, but to myself.

Help me to understand the damage it brings, always to me and not them.

“A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭14:30‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Be honest with yourself gently, grow from what you discover.

Be gentle with yourself.

As gentle as Jesus has been.

Happy Easter, Jesus is love worth knowing, knowing more than anything at all.

Continue and believe.

Prompted by the word, “Gentle”. Thanks Kate for a book I now must read!

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