Peace Takes Courage

Abuse Survivor, bravery, contentment, courage, Faith, fear, Forgiveness, freedom, grace, hope, kindness, love, memoir, mercy, Peace, praise, Redemption, Stillness, Trust, Uncategorized, Vulnerability, wonder, writing

The rain subsided enough to get a walk in.

I determined to pursue my daily unraveling.

The sky no longer threatening, the storm separating the colors and the background pale blue grew larger before me.

The grey only narrow stripes of color like paint laid down on a canvas, the palette knife technique.

Rain like water misted from the bottle kept to keep moist the canvas, the grey diffused.

God’s fingers like the biggest thick brush now blending, muting color.

At peace with the presentation.

The exhibit now open for my viewing.

The crepe myrtle petals are sopped like kitchen sponges and hanging low like bursting ripely fruits just waiting for my indulgence.

And it happened again.

What’s this lightness in my gait, the awareness of pep in my step and of belief I’ll take off running once I make it round the bend and just maybe take an extra hill?

Peace, I decided as I took the final home bound hill.

It’s peace that has taken the bricks from your feet.

Peace that says take your gifts and give them to whomever will listen, will read, will be curious over how you moved from burdened fighter to learner to victim no more.

A thought came clearly, I imagined myself confidently telling others.

I give God all the glory. Without God none of this would be possible for me.

Peace is possible.

Take courage.

“But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.”

‭‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭15:7‬ ‭ESV

Continue and believe.

Linking up with others at Five Minute Friday, prompted by the word, “Take”.

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7 thoughts on “Peace Takes Courage

  1. I love this image of a painting – it could be cliched but you’ve made it new and fresh. And I love your imagery of peace taking the bricks from our feet. Forgiveness can also do that I think.
    Your FMF Neighbour #32


  2. Thank you, Lisanne. I love the pace and imagery, the unfolding and the rising. And of course the settling peace at the end. You paint luscious pictures. I particularly love this one, describing the crepe myrtle: “hanging low like bursting ripely fruits just waiting for my indulgence.” I was also struck by your word “unraveling”; my post today uses that imagery too. Thank you for sharing your words and art and courage and hope. Carol Ann (your neighbor from FNF)


  3. Dear Lisanne — I loved the pace and imagery, the rhythm and the rising of your piece. I floated with you along your perceiving. I particularly like your description of the drooping crepe myrtle: “hanging low like bursting ripely fruits just waiting for my indulgence.” And I was struck by your word “unraveling.” I played with this metaphor in my own post. Thank you for sharing your words and art and courage and hope. Your neighbor from FNF, Carol Ann.


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